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AE6941A 車載乙太網路測試夾具

Keysight AE6941A 車載乙太網路測試夾具
庫存: 來電洽詢

Keysight AE6941A 車載乙太網路測試夾具

推薦Keysight AE6941A 車載乙太網路電氣測試夾具提供存取汽車乙太網路電氣信號的簡易方法,依據IEEE 802.3bw 和IEEE 802.3bp要求執行符合性測試所需的功能

Keysight AE6941A主要技術規格


- 全面存取 100BASE-T1 汽車乙太網路信號,便於進行符合性測試和特性分析
- 提供 IEEE 802.3bw 和 IEEE 802.3bp 指定的測試功能
- 簡單易用的 SMA 連接
- 備有連接其他類型連接器所需的轉接板


- IEEE 802.3bw 100 Mb/s
- IEEE 802.3bp 1000Mb/s
- IEEE 802.3ch Multi-Gig

* 延伸閱讀:查看可搭配的EXR系列示波器 / S系列示波器
* 延伸閱讀:啟動自動駕駛的未來:車用乙太網路(Automotive Ethernet)相容性測試
Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Test Application

The Keysight AE6000T Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Test solution provides you with an easy and accurate way to verify and debug the physical layer of your Automotive Ethernet designs.

The AE6910T/AE6920T Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Test Application allows you to select the reference specification and the test plan depending on the selected specification and currently supports the following data rates and standards:
• 10BASE-T1S, IEEE 802.3cg and OPEN Alliance TC141
• 100BASE-T12, IEEE 802.3bw and OPEN Alliance TC11
• 100BASE-T1 ECU test and OPEN Alliance TC8 specification
• 1000BASE-T1, IEEE 802.3bp and OPEN Alliance TC121
• 2.5/5/10GBASE-T1, IEEE 802.3ch and OPEN Alliance TC151

Note: The software is installed and runs on a Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope and is available with a nodelocked, transportable, floating, and USB dongle license type. Each license can be purchased with 6-, 12-, 24-, or 36-months of support. Please see the ordering information for additional details on software license types.
