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[已停產] U2802A 31 通道熱耦輸入模組

特色: 高達31 個熱耦輸入,搭配 Keysight U2355A 和 Keysight U2356A 機型資料蒐集使用,以啟用熱耦輸入 


庫存: 來電洽詢

U2802A  熱耦輸入模組   產品型錄


Keysight U2802A 31 通道熱耦輸入模組

推薦使用高達 31 個熱耦輸入的U2802A,可獨立設定熱耦或電壓輸入模式

Keysight U2802A主要技術規格

- 高達 31 個熱耦輸入
- 可獨立設定熱耦或電壓輸入模式
- 可進行冷接點補償的內建熱敏電阻
- 內建歸零功能
- 開放熱耦偵測
- 高達 10 V 的電壓輸入範圍
- 支援熱耦類型 J、K、R、S、T、N、E 和 B
- 內建等溫結構終端區塊  


* 延伸閱讀:桌上型的資料擷取器
* 延伸閱讀:搭配桌上型資料擷取器的資料擷取器模組

The Keysight U2802A 31-Channel Thermocouple Input module is a thermocouple input signal conditioner device that functions to convert low input voltage signal from a thermocouple into an output voltage range suitable for the data acquisition device. The U2802A thermocouple signal conditioner is to be used together with the U2355A and U2356A model data acquisition to enable thermocouple inputs.

Giving users more flexibility, the U2802A is compatible with a wide range of application development environments such as Keysight VEE, MATLAB® R2007a, NI LabVIEW and Microsoft® Visual Studio®.

Visual Studio and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

MATLAB is a U.S. registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc.



U2802A Thermocouple input, 31 channel

  • U2802A-201 SCSI 1m
  • U2802A-ABA English language quick start guide, printed
  • W4100-3MW Warranty, 3mth for included accessories
  • R-51B-001-F Return to Keysight Warranty - 3 years