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氮化鎵功率半導體元件動態參數分析儀(GaN Device Dynamics Analyzer)
WPDDA6505 晶圓探測動態分析儀
  Trapping and degradation drastically limit the performance and lifetime of GaN transistors, so the dynamical measurement plays a crucial role in understanding and developing GaN-based power device. Our instruments provide powerful solution to probe electric properties under high switching frequency and stress voltage which truly reveals the system-like behavior of GaN.
庫存: 來電洽詢

WPDDA6505 晶圓探測動態分析儀(Wafer Probing Device Dynamics Analyzer)

推薦使用業界首創!Wafer-level GaN HV+HP動態量測,執行有效率的晶圓上量測的 WPDDA6505 晶圓探測動態分析儀


* WPDDA6505 晶圓探測動態分析儀主要技術規格

■ One positioner occupied only on Semi-Auto or Manual station
■ Switching On-Vg : -12V~12V
■ Switching Voltage : <650V
■ Switching Current : <5A
■ Switching Frequency : <300kHZ
■ Switching Duty : 10%~90%
■ Temperature : Thermal chuck limited
■ Dynamic Rdson(HSW, ZVS), Dynamic Rsdon(ZVS), Dynamic Vth, Dynamic Vsd, Dynamic HTOL (SALT)…

* 延伸閱讀:如何在功率半導體/寬能隙半導體材料-氮化鎵(GaN)操作(switching)狀態下執行動態測試?
* 延伸閱讀:GaN技術論壇線上研討會完整影音檔
Characterization items
◆    Dynamic Rdson (HSW / ZVS)
◆    Dynamic Vth (HSW / ZVS)
◆    Dynamic Vsd
◆    Dynamic HTOL (HSW /ZVS)
◆    Pulse I-V

Customized items for RF
◆    Dynamic HTRB
◆    Idq Drift
◆    Pulse I-V (Drain Lag)