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N6141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體,多點觸控 UI[可取代W6141A]
N6141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體,多點觸控 UI[可取代W6141A]
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Keysight N6141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體,多點觸控 UI[可取代W6141A]

目前W6141A已停產, 可由N5141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體取代,根據內部 EMC 標準,對發射器執行單鍵式 EMI 先期認證量測

* Keysight N6141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體 主要特色

- 提供符合 CISPR 和 MIL-STD 標準的內建頻寬、檢測器和頻段預設,並透過使用者選擇的邊限自動進行法規限制值測試
- 支援天線、線路阻抗穩定網路(LISN)、纜線、前置放大器的振幅修正
- 提供內建的報告產生功能
- 使用廣泛的頻譜分析功能,進行先期認證要求的輻射和傳導發射量測,並診斷不符合標準的發射;此外,您可使用長條圖功能分析發射隨時間的變化
- 效能:
- 可顯示對數頻距和 3 種同時運作的檢測器
- 利用內建的信號清單和頻譜監視功能縮短量測時間
- 透過選配的時域掃描功能加速收集資料
- 支援多點觸控操作介面和 SCPI 遠端介面程控
- 包含 KeysightCare 軟體支援的訂閱
- 是德科技支援分級式應用型號,包括 UXA/PXA/PXE 的 N 型號、MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT 的 E 型號,以及 CXA 的 W 型號。 較高層級的應用型號可在較低層級的平台上運作,也就是說,N 型號可在所有平台上運作,E 型號可在 MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT 和 CXA 上運作,而 W 型號只能在 CXA 上運作。

* 詳細規格


Easily identify out-of-limit device emissions Signal list, frequency scan, and active detector meters are displayed on a single screen for easy review of the measurement results. Continuously scan a speciied frequency range or scan and search for signals above a margin or limit and place them in the signal list. Use the simultaneous detector meters to continuously measure a selected signal while maximizing the amplitude. Measure all the signals with the search and measure function using up to three detectors. Choose between peak, quasi-peak, EMI average, or RMS average detectors. The measurement results are compared to regulatory agency limits in the delta to limit column.

* 可搭配Keysight N6141EM0E EMI量測應用軟體的頻譜分析儀:

* 延伸閱讀:其他頻譜分析儀
Flexible licensing and configuration
– Perpetual: License can be used in perpetuity.
– Subscription: License is time limited to a defined period, such as 12-months.
– Node-locked: Allows you to use the license on one specified instrument/computer.
– Transportable: Allows you to use the license on one instrument/computer at a time. This license may be transferred to another instrument/computer using Keysight’s online tool.
– Floating: Allows you to access the license on networked instruments/computers from a server, one at a time. For concurrent access, multiple licenses may be purchased.
– USB portable: Allows you to move the license from one instrument/computer to another by end-user only with certified USB dongle, purchased separately.
– Software support subscription: Allows the license holder access to Keysight technical support and all software upgrades.