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U1232A 3位半手持式數位萬用電錶

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Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶

Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶 (DMM) 簡易規格書

Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶手冊

Quick Start Guide for U1231A/U1232A/U1233A Handheld Multimeter (Traditional Chinese)
U1231A, U1232A and U1233A Handheld Digital Multimeter Service Guide
User’s Guide for U1231A, U1232A, and U1233A Handheld Digital Multimeter (Traditional Chinese)

Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶型錄與競爭產品概述

Ferramentas de Teste de Mão - Brochura
Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶 - 簡易規格書
How to Select a Handheld DMM That is RIGHT for You - Application Note
To assist you in choosing a handheld DMM, this application note looks at some of the device's key attributes: handheld specifications, basic functionality, and features targeted for specific industrial applications. It also provides information on the design and features of Keysight handheld DMMs to guide you in your selection process.


Keysight U1232A 3 ½ 位數手持式數位萬用電錶

推薦使用3位半的手持式數位萬用電錶keyisght U1232A,內建的 LED 手電筒可幫助您在光線昏暗的區域進行故障排除

Keysight U1232A手持式數位萬用電表特色

- U1232A 3 ½ 位數手持式數位萬用電錶
- 具有視覺和音效告警的導通性測試
- 內建的 LED 手電筒可幫助您在光線昏暗的區域進行故障排除
- ZLOW 低阻抗模式可消除了鬼魅電壓並提高量測準確度
- 提供 500 小時電池續航力並啟用 Keysight Remote Link 解決方案(透過 Bluetooth® 進行無線資料記錄)
- CAT III 600V 電壓過載保護機制

Keysight U1232A手持式數位萬用電表隨附的選配: 

- 標準 3 年保固(無序號配件為 90 天)
- 測試導線套件
- 快速入門指南
- 4 顆 1.5 V 電池
- 校驗證書(CoC)

Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶是能夠適應任何狀況的最佳手持式 DMM。無論是在視線不良、吵雜甚至是危險環境中,此數位萬用電錶讓您為最壞狀況做好萬全準備,並簡化您的例行工作。
在任何野外工作環境下,Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬用電錶 (HH DMM) 都是您的最佳選擇。不論您是身處黑暗、嘈雜,甚至危險環境中,有了Keysight U1230 系列手持式數位萬電錶 (HH DMM),您可隨時為最惡劣狀況做好萬全準備。此系列手持式DMM 採符合人體工學的設計,並且內建手電筒,讓您能夠單手操作儀器,並清楚照亮測試區域。內建的蜂鳴器和閃爍的背光警示功能,可協助您安全偵測燙手的電線,並且在吵雜環境中輕易進行導通性測試。Keysight U1230 系列讓您的野外測試得心應手、萬無一失


U1167A Test lead, 4mm tips probes; CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V, 15 A
U1176A 3-inch LED Probe Clip Light
U1174A Carrying case, soft
U1171A Magnetic hanging kit
U1169A Test Probe Leads (with 19-mm tips and 4-mm tips)
U1177A 紅外線 (IR) 對藍芽 (Bluetooth®) 轉接器
U1166A Test lead
U1168B 標配的測試導線套件(配備 19-mm 和 4-mm 探針)
U1586B Temperature Module
U1117A IR-to-Bluetooth® Adapter (Class 1)
U1115A Remote Logging Display
U1118A 無線綜合套件
U1173B 手持式數位萬用電錶 PC 連接纜線
U1232A-ABJ Japan - Japanese user manual, printed
U1232A-MQG Multi-lingual quick start guide JPN, POR, ITA, T/S CHN, KOR, GER, SPA and FRE
U1232A-ABA English language quick start guide; printed
U1232A-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test data